How Does Scissor Lift Weight Impact Productivity?


Heavyweight A92.20 Scissor Lifts Force Tough Decisions

Scissor lift weight is becoming the main topic of concern for general contractors across the United States. With the advancement of the construction equipment industry, most manufacturers are introducing more robust equipment with upgraded technology and updated features to meet new standards. However, the total weight of the equipment normally increases as well to accomodate design changes. Before the new A92.20 standard, the average 19 ft scissor lift weighed 2,700 lbs. Now, the average 19 ft scissor lift weighs 3,200 lbs. This forces contractors to make tough decisions. They either push project floorings' safety weight limits to the max or extend project timelines to space out the number of workers and machines allowed in a given area at one time. How can the equipment industry help general contractors with time, budget, and safety for their workers to keep projects on time?

The Lightweight Solution

Hy-Brid Lifts developed lightweight low-level access scissor lifts specifically to meet contractors' needs. The new PS-1930 weighs less than 2,000 lbs, which is significantly less weight than the industry’s traditional 19 ft scissor lift. What are the advantages of having lightweight scissor lifts on a jobsite? Contractors electing to use lightweight scissor lifts on their jobsites reduce overall weight on the project floor and allow more workers onsite to complete the project.


COVID-19's Impact

With the new social distancing requirements, a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for more scissor lifts on a given project will increase in an effort to space out workers. The best option for maximizing productivity on a post-COVID jobsite is to utilize lightweight scissor lifts for elevated work.

Lightweight scissor lifts

Lightweight Hy-Brid Lifts on the second story.

Lighter Weight, Fewer Trips, Less Cost

Transportation costs play a major factor in contractors staying within project budgets. How can lightweight scissor lifts help manage transportation costs in the construction industry? The phrase “bigger isn’t always better” comes to mind when discussing transporting heavy construction equipment in major metropolitan cities. A single truck can fit only 14 traditional 19 ft scissor lifts or up to 22 Hy-Brid Lifts PS-1930 units, saving contractors thousands of dollars in transportation costs. On average, contractors could save 20–25% of scissor lift transportation costs if they elected to use the lighter weight lifts.

Lightweight scissor lifs allow for increased shipping capacity

Hy-Brid Lifts are the lightest weight scissor lifts with the heaviest lift capacity in the industry. Due to transportation costs, budget concerns, and overall safety on jobsites, more general contractors are electing to partner with Hy-Brid Lifts to fulfill their scissor lift requirements. Hy-Brid Lifts is a U.S. based manufacture on a mission to help contractors across the country work safely at height.

Find out who has Hy-Brid Lifts™ in your area.




AXCS Family

The premier provider of access equipment offering articulated booms, scissor lifts, telehandlers, and vertical masts.